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Showing posts from October, 2019

Menu List on 20x4 LCD

MENU ON LCD(20x4) USING ARDUINO API In this project, I had made a menu on 20x4 lcd display using data structure in arduino. you will see how to perform many functions with 4 button(ENTER, NEXT, PREV, BACK) depending on the situation, such as going up the menu and brightening the LCD. Each menu has few submenus and also their sub-child which call various function to perform related task for clear understanding see below pictures. Followings are the software required to make this project. 1. Proteus for simulation of arduino hex file. Note:- how to simulate hex file in arduino please see  how-to-make-quick pressed led 2. Arduino for coding. Now Visit the given drive to get all the files. For any queries comment below. Thank You